PHP 7.4 : End of life

Éléphant en peluche PHP

The PHP 7.4 version was released on February 20, 2020.

November 26, 2020 is the release of PHP 8.0.

On November 25, 2021, PHP is introducing new features with Version 8.1 of PHP.

The next 28thof November (2022) will be the end of support for PHP 7.4.

Moving from PHP 7.0 to 8.1.

What does that mean ?

Since the release of PHP 8.1, we already know that there is no more improvement that is made for PHP 7.4. Starting November 28, all support and security patches will be discontinued.

This means that all websites still using the version 7.4 of PHP and below will be vulnerable.

How to prevent your site from being vulnerable to hacker attacks? It is by upgrading to version 8.1 of PHP of course.

What does PHP 8 bring?

The goal of PHP 8 is to optimize performance. This update stands out, among other things, by the "just in time compilation" feature which allows a gain in loading speed of more than 45% compared to PHP 7.

What to do next?

At Pina Data, we strongly recommend that your version of PHP be updated by November 28th if you want to benefit from the performance advantages and avoid your site being vulnerable.

There are even some recognized web hosts who will force the PHP update from the beginning of the year 2023. In this case, it is preferable that it is an expert team like ours who takes care to perform the update and then perform the patches as needed rather than your hosting company doing it for you and without performing the necessary patches.

How to upgrade from PHP 7 to 8.1?

The good news, if you use WordPress, is that version 6.0 is the most compatible version so far with PHP 8.1. Making the change is fine, but first make sure to follow the checklist below:

  • Update WordPress to the latest available version or 6.0 at least (if applicable).
  • Update all software and libraries (theme, plugins & co.) of your site.
  • Upgrade to PHP 8.0 to begin with, then test and fix issues (if any).
  • Update to PHP 8.1, test and fix issues (if any).

As some themes and plugins may not have been fixed to work with PHP 8, it is necessary to test them well.

If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, our team of experts is here to help.

Contact us now for a free consultation!

Picture of Nicolas Johnson

Nicolas Johnson

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